In alphabetical order


Radical planning
‘Radical or insurgent planning is ‘a tradition of planning that is rooted in civil society rather than the state… It is action-oriented and allied with social movements for the right to housing, feminist concerns, socially and ecologically sustainable development, bio-regionalism… and is inspired by the normative theories undergirding these movements’ (Friedmann, 2003, p.9).


Rational comprehensive planning
‘The RCM (Rational Comprehensive Model) for planning owes its origins to Enlightenment epistemology (Sandercock, 1998; Allmendinger, 2002), as it is centred on decisions and principles that are based on reason, logic and scientific facts with little or no emphasis on values and emotions. Due to its tendency towards scientific method and its decision-making process, Faludi has termed it ‘procedural planning theory’. He sees planning as a procedure and declares that “the planning theorist depends on first-hand experience, reflects upon it, and puts it into context” (Faludi, 1978:179). Therefore, the planner learns from experience and can define the correct method or procedure to follow to get the correct result. Meanwhile Sandercock (1998) refers to the rational comprehensive model as ‘technocratic planning’ due to its emphasis on technical expertise and skills and its steadfast belief that technology and social science can be used to solve our problems’ (Planning Tank, 2019b, para.1).


‘(…) rationality is no more than a more sophisticated word for reason: It means "... possessing reason ... being able to exercise reason ... being based on reason" (OED 1971, 2421). Rationality, then, is associated with the deployment of reason (McKerrow 1982, 106): the "... intellectual power or faculty ... employed in adapting thought or action to some end; the guiding principle of the human mind in the process of thinking” (OED 1971, 2431)’ (Alexander, 2000, p.242).


Reciprocity is giving with the expectation of receiving in the future. Members of social networks often promote, facilitate, and monitor reciprocity among themselves. Social networks foster reciprocity more than relationships outside any network. Because social networks provide greater outlets for “payback,” reciprocity is more likely. A perceived greater likelihood of being able to repay leads to increased acceptance of a gift (Fondren, 2011, pp.738-739).



A business strategy that involves ‘replacing old dilapidated buildings with modern, quality and environmentally-friendly schemes, enhancing the quality of the living environment through restructuring and re-planning of older districts’ and ‘providing appropriate community facilities and open space’ (Urban Renewal Authority, 2012).


The term redistribution refers to the criteria and the mechanisms shaping the allocation of valuable assets in a given society (Maldonado, 2011).



A business strategy that entails ‘working with owners, the Government and other partners to prevent the decay of the built environment by promoting and facilitating the proper repair and maintenance of buildings’ and ‘extending the useful life of buildings to alleviate the urgency of redevelopment’ (URA, 2012, p.2).


Rentier capitalism
A rentier is someone who obtains profit not by their productive power but simply because of their ownership of property or financial resources etc. Rentier capitalism often concentrates wealth in the hands of the few. Not only are people having no right to enjoy the value they have created collectively in the economy, their lack of property or finance also means that they have to rent property or borrow money from the rentiers (Gordon, 2019).


Residual value

‘The residual value is the estimated value of a fixed asset at the end of its lease or at the end of its useful life. The lessor uses residual value as one of its primary methods for determining how much the lessee pays in lease payments. As a general rule, the longer the useful life or lease period of an asset, the lower its residual value.’ (Kenton, 2019c)


Resilient cities

‘Cities that have the ability to absorb, recover and prepare for future shocks (economic, environmental, social & institutional).’ And they ‘promote sustainable development, well-being and inclusive growth’ (OECD, n.d.).



A business strategy that aims at ‘reviving and strengthening the socio-economic and environmental fabric of different districts through appropriate means of renewal’ and ‘adopting a ‘holistic’ coordinated approach with our partners and stakeholders to improve the quality of urban living through redevelopment, rehabilitation and preservation initiatives’ (URA, 2012, p.1).


Right of Way (RoW)

‘ROW – Right-of-Way is a type of easement granted or reserved over the land for transportation purposes, this can be for a bikeway, highway, public footpath, rail transport, canal, as well as electrical transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines. (City of SeaTac, n.d.)


Right to the city
‘The exercise of a collective power to reshape the processes of urbanization after our hearts’ desire’ (Harvey, 2008, p.23).


Right to the city
‘The exercise of a collective power to reshape the processes of urbanization’ after our hearts’ desire’ (Harvey, 2008, p.23).


Roadway Congestion Index (RCI)

‘The Roadway Congestion Index (RCI) is a measure of vehicle travel density on major roadways in an urban area. An RCI exceeding 1.0 indicates an undesirable congestion level, on an average, on the freeways and principal arterial street systems during the peak period.’ (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2013)


Route assignment

Trip assignment, traffic assignment or route choice concerns the selection of routes (alternative called paths) between origins and destinations in transportation networks. It is the fourth step in the conventional transportation planning model (Ahmed, 2012)

Reference List

Ahmed, B. (2012). The Traditional Four Step Transportation Modeling Using Simplified Transport Network: A Case Study of Dhaka City, Bangladesh.  International Journal of Advanced Scientific Engineering and Technological Research, 1 (1) pp. 19-40.

Alexander, E. R. (2000). Rationality revisited: planning paradigms in a post-modernist perspective. Planning Theory, 19, pp.242-256. Retrieved from

Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (2013). Annual Roadway Congestion Index. Retrieved from

City of SeaTac. (n.d.). Definitions. Retrieved from

Fondren, W. (2011). Reciprocity. In G. A. Barnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of social networks. Vol. (1), 738-739. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412994170.n303

Friedmann, J. (2003). Why do planning theory? Planning Theory, 2(1), pp.7-10. Retrieved from

Gordon, A.E. (2019). What is rentier capitalism. The Prindle Post, 12 March 2019, Retrieved from

Harvey, D. (2008). The Right to The City. New Left Review 53, p.23-40.

Kenton, W. (2019c). Residual Value. In Investopedia. Retrieved from

Maldonado, M. A. (2011). Redistribution. In B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser, & L. Morlino (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Political Science (Vol. 7, pp. 2223-2226). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference. Retrieved from

OECD (n.d.). Resilient Cities. Retrieved from

Planning Tank. (2019b). Rational Planning Model. Retrieved from

Urban Renewal Authority, Hong Kong Government. (2012). A Mission of 4 Rs. Retrieved from

Urban Renewal Authority (URA) (2012). A Mission with 4Rs. Retrieved from