In alphabetical order



‘Objectives are defined operationally so that either the existence or non-existence of a desired state or the degree of achievement of this state can be established’ (Hill, 1968, p.22).



As Edward Said has pointed out, Orientalism as a discourse is productive, and what it produces are authorities’ statements that constitute a hegemonic description of its object: The Orientals. In the process, Oriental subject is rendered mute while the culture of the producers of such ideas ‘gains in strength and identity' by contrasting with the Other as a 'sort of surrogate and underground self’ (as cited in Schein, 2002)


Orthographic projection

It refers to 'projection of a single view of an object (such as a view of the front) onto a drawing surface in which the lines of projection are perpendicular to the surface’ (Merriam-Webster, 2019c, para.1). Plan and elevations are examples of orthographic project.


Outline zoning plan
‘A draft OZP prepared under sections 3(1)(a) and 4(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance consists of three components, namely, the outline zoning plan, the notes attached to the plan and an explanatory statement for the plan. The OZPs show the proposed land-uses and major road systems of individual planning scheme areas. Areas covered by such plans are zoned for such uses as residential, commercial, industrial, open space, government, institution or community uses, green belt, conservation areas, comprehensive development areas, village type development, open storage or other specified purposes. Attached to each OZP is a set of Notes setting out the uses which are always permitted (Column 1 uses) in a particular zone and other uses for which the TPB's permission must be sought (Column 2 uses). The explanatory statement is not a part of the OZP but it is an important component of the OZP since it reflects the planning intentions and objectives of the various land-use zonings on the plan’ (Town Planning Board, 2008, para.2-3).

Reference List

Hill, M. (1968). A Goals-Achievement Matrix for Evaluating Alternative Plans. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 34(1), pp.19-29.

Merriam-Webster. (2019c). Orthographic projection. Retrieved from

Schein, L. (2002). Gender and internal Orientalism in China. In Chinese femininities / Chinese masculinities: A reader, 385-412. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press.

Town Planning Board. (2008). List of Plans. Retrieved from